March 05, 2013

Nine Months

This past month has been...interesting, to say the least. There have been some challenges along with some pretty amazing milestones! 

9 months old

Eating: Peyton eats "big girl food" for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She has snacks in between meals and I still breastfeed her with each meal and at night before bed. P has never refused anything I feed her, and gobbles up every bit. Her favorites are yogurt with apples, and she loves finger foods!

Sleeping: We are now on a "by the clock" schedule, which is so nice when I want to plan things ahead of time. P wakes around 7am, naps from 10-11:30 and 2:30-4. Bedtime is 7:30. She really thrives on this schedule :)

Planning her escape

Teeth: Still just two on the bottom. Every time I check for top teeth, I nearly lose a finger. I think I'll just wait and see what happens!

Favorite Toys: Peyton LOVES books, especially touch 'n feel. She also loves magazines, cell phones, and Rowen's food & water bowls. And electrical cords :)

Skills: P loves to wave, point, and clap. She easily feeds herself finger foods, and is still signing "milk"-which I think means "food". Peyton is becoming more mobile, but is not yet crawling on all fours. No worries-her inchworm/army crawl gets her around just fine. She is starting to pull up to her knees. She is blabbering all the time, and loves to practice the word 'cat'.

I'm outta here

Happy Times: P is always happy when she's eating. She loves spending one on one time with us, reading books. Ride the horsey is definitely a favorite! As always, being out socializing is the best! I can't wait for the weather to warm up a little so we can spend more time outside!

Unhappy Times: Well, this is where we've had a lot of changes. I'm not sure if it's her recent illness (respiratory, ear, and eye infections) or just a stage, but Peyton has become incredibly clingy. The days of independent play are gone. It's difficult to get things I'm really hoping this is a phase that will pass! Her little 'tude is starting to show, too...we are in for it!

Months 1-9

 Stats: P weighs 18 pounds (weighed at her sick visit; we will have more stats at her well visit this week). 9 and 12 month clothing!

My Dear P-bug,
I can hardly believe you have been here for 9 months! Daddy and I love to watch you grow and learn new skills. At lunch today, I was shocked to look over and see our big girl drinking out of a sippy cup and eating peas and puffs. Wow...when did that happen? I'm glad you find comfort in us, and I look forward to you becoming an independent little lady. We love you so much sweet girl!

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