March 11, 2013

Swim Lessons

Our little P bug continues to love the water, so I was super excited when a swim class opened up at the YMCA...just in time for summer!

{Yes, this is the same bathing suit from when she was 3 months old! We just made it work}

The class is for babes 6 months-2 years, and is meant to get them comfortable in the water and start to learn some basic 'survival' skills. I don't think Peyton will be swimming laps anytime soon ; )

 Well, she LOVED it! I think she was the youngest one in her class, and definitely the happiest and most comfortable in the water! P splashed, kicked, and screeched with joy! She was so giddy!

This kiddo is fearless in the water-I have a feeling we will be at the neighborhood pool a lot this summer! This class will provide a good basis for P, and hopefully she will be ready for some real swimming skills in a year!

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