September 26, 2014

Bean Bumpdate: 40 Weeks

Wow....40 Weeks of pregnancy. I never thought I would see this day, but it has arrived. I know it's not uncommon for women to actually go 40 weeks, but I just assumed Bean would have made an appearance by now since this is my second pregnancy. Perhaps it's a different gender, or just a different personality baby. Some people stay stubborn, but I prefer to use the term 'lazy' ;)

40 Weeks:

What's New: We officially have a plan. I saw my amazing OB on Wednesday and we did an ultrasound to check up on Bean. The good news: The placenta looks great, amniotic fluid level is great, and Bean is perfectly healthy (and content!) in there. The bad news: Bean is so comfy that his/her head is still not fully engaged in the pelvis, which is probably why I'm still just 2cm dilated. I guess Bean is a little too comfy. So, Dr. K stripped my membranes and we scheduled a cervidil induction for Saturday night for a Sunday delivery. I am so incredibly anxious about getting induced because I had a pretty easy spontaneous labor with Peyton. But I really don't think giving this kiddo any extra time will make a difference, and we could possibly get into a danger zone if s/he stays in too long (i.e. deteriorating placenta, stressed out baby, or overstretched uterus!).

What's Old: Being pregnant. Look, it's no secret I'm one of those crazy people who really loves being pregnant...but I'm just about done. Truly, if I thought it would make any difference (and not put me or baby at risk) I would consider letting this kiddo hang around for another week. But I think I would be miserable at that point. I'm not sleeping, I can't ever get comfortable, and I am just so tired all of the time. We are done :)

Baby: It was very cool to see Bean on ultrasound this week. Because s/he is so big now, we can only see one body part at a time! We got to see some chubby cheeks, that beautiful & strong heart, and practice breathing! The US is estimating 7lbs, 9 oz...but they can be off by 2 pounds. Yikes!

Just the face-looking right at you :)

Gender: The votes are in...almost everyone thinks Bean is a lazy boy :) HR 140's this week.

Belly: Still. There.

Cravings: My usual fresh palate. I'm excited about fall, but I wish I could still get my hands on super fresh produce!

Last weekly photo!

Keep checking in...the next update will include a picture of a sweet newborn! I feel so blessed to have had such a good and healthy pregnancy and I ask that y'all keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we go in for our induction on Saturday.

September 21, 2014

Bean Bumpdate: 39 Weeks

Here we are....still pregnant. I delivered Peyton at 39 weeks/1 day but that has come and gone this time around, and still no sign of Bean.

39 Weeks:

What's New: About 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. Bean is just not quite ready to make his/her grand appearance! I am officially on maternity leave (I just didn't write myself into the schedule for next week because I kind of assumed I would have delivered by now!)
Our plan: I have an appointment on my due date where we will do an ultrasound to make sure Bean is still healthy, then discuss a possible induction date. I am not a huge fan of inductions unless for medical reasons or post-dates, so I am trying everything I can to induce labor naturally :)

What's Old: Hip pain at's making it so difficult to rest! Other than that, I truly feel pretty decent most of the time. I am not miserable yet, so waiting around another week is something I can deal with.

Baby: About 20 inches and 7-8 pounds; The size of a watermelon!!! Measurements have been on track, and I feel like my belly is a bit smaller than with Peyton, so I'm not concerned about a HUGE baby being in there (famous last words, right?). Bean is working on putting on more fat and developing that brain!

Gender: I am starting to feel boy, but I'm not placing any bets on it. Heart rate this week was 160-170s!

Belly: Heavy

Cravings: Pumpkin stuff! Are you with me on that?!

September 17, 2014

Birthday Blessings

Birthdays are so different as an adult (and Mom!). They take on a whole new meaning and I find myself wishing for things like an evening with family, someone else to cook dinner, and a good nap! This year, I have been so focused on preparing for Bean and getting through these last weeks of pregnancy, so it was nice to take some time out for myself!

My family and friends were so sweet in making a big fuss about my birthday! On Thursday, we ventured to Alpharetta's Food Truck Alley for a relaxing (and hot...) evening with delicious food and great company!
On Friday, the BFF came over for dessert and a great visit! We stayed up until 1:00am (which is really late for us old folks) and caused some alarm with our neighbors, who noticed the late-night activity and thought I was heading to the hospital! You know you're getting old when.... :)

On Saturday, my amazing husband took over care for P while I spent the morning getting pampered-a fresh haircut and mani/pedi is just what I needed to feel completely ready for Bean!

On Sunday, I took a good snooze while Peyton napped, then my Mom picked me up for a surprise visit to Heavenly Foot Massage. And y' was heavenly. They worked on arms, hands, upper back & shoulders and of course-legs and feet. My therapist knew foot reflexology, so she spent a little more time on the pressure point that can induce labor ; )

We met up with my family at my parents' house where we had a fabulous dinner and homemade blueberry cake!

Gotta love that Ree Drummond!

Annual picture under the Arbor

 Ben and I were married under this arbor, and now it's at my parents' house!

What a wonderful birthday weekend! I spent time with family and friends, enjoyed a good nap, and relaxed while other people cooked dinner!

Getting older isn't so bad!

September 12, 2014

Bean Bumpdate: 38 Weeks

I'm really trying to be patient and cherish these last days/weeks(?) of pregnancy! I've also committed to spending lots of one on one time with Peyton as I know those days are numbered.

38 Weeks:

What's New: Absolutely nothing. Do I sound sarcastic and impatient? I'm really trying, y'all...and I still feel good overall, but I would love to be making some progress. After a particularly busy night at work, I just knew things would have moved along a bit. I learned today at the doctor that I'm still 1cm and about 40% effaced. This kiddo is laaaaazy.

What's Old: Just the usual discomforts of pregnancy...I can't wait to lay on my back again :)

Baby: About 20 inches and 7 pounds; About the size of a pumpkin (how appropriate!). In these last weeks, Bean will be packing on pounds and working on that neuro system.

Gender: HR was high 140's today. I just have no idea what to think! Here's my gender predictor post in case you missed it!

Belly: Large and in charge.

Cravings: Savory and fresh :)

Heading off to work!

September 10, 2014

Thoughts On: {Three Day Potty Training}

It's been about a month since we began potty training, and I can finally say that life has almost returned to normal. Don't get me wrong...the 3-Day method worked very well for us, but having a potty-trained toddler was a lot more work than I ever thought!

{Disclaimer: This is a post about potty you might see words like pee and poop}

Overview: This method is a program designed to potty train your child in 3 days or less. There are a lot of 'spin-off' methods where people have tweaked the rules, but I say stick to the original plan! Basically, on day one, you put your child in regular underwear and let the accidents commence! Yes, they pee in their pants a lot on day one...but the idea is that by the end of Day 3, the child makes the connection between the sensation to pee and actually making it to the potty!
The E-book is available online, or you can contact me and I will be happy to send you the PDF!

I strongly recommend that you read the program plan because there are quite a few variations out there that might actually make things more difficult!

 Author: Lora Jensen

What this program is not
-It is not keeping your child naked from the waist down for 3 days. Having underwear on is important for them to realize the sensation to pee, as well as a acting as a 'reward' system for keeping pants dry!
-It does not involve frequent trips to the potty just to try, or constantly asking your child if they need to go potty.
-There are NO diapers or pullups involved here...including sleep times!

To Prepare: It is important to block off at least 3 days at home to ensure success. Prior to Day One, be sure that your house is cleaned, laundry is caught up, grocery shopping is done, and easy dinners are planned. Essentially, you will be following your child everywhere they go until they 'get it'.

Supplies: I would recommend about 30-40 pairs of panties (thin cotton, not training panties), potty treats (we used mini nilla wafers), and a quick clean mop for wood/tile bathrooms.
We began 'preparing' for potty training last December by buying Peyton a potty chair and lots of books about going potty. By having it in the house and discussing it for so long, it wasn't such a new 'surprise' to her once it came time to ditch the diapers :)

Potty Training Supplies

How it worked for us: Day One was rough and I am thankful that Ben was home to help me! At one point, I counted 12 accidents in 15 minutes...yikes! We expected this as Peyton was working to understand the relationship between feeling the sensation to pee and actually putting it in the potty. By the end of Day 1, she had figured it out and we experienced no more wet accidents on Days 2 and 3.

Sleep Times: This method enforces no diapers/pull-ups during sleep times. I was especially nervous about this because I really count on Peyton's naps to get things done/catch some zzzz's myself. During the day time, I cut fluids off at 10am with sips of water at lunch time. Prior to 12:30 nap, we make sitting on the potty part of our wind down routine. For bedtime (7:30-8pm) we cut fluids off at 5pm with sips for dinner. Again, we make trying to potty part of our bedtime routine. ALSO, we get her out of bed and sit her on the potty when we go to bed (typically 2-3 hours after she's been sleeping). Even in diapers, P did not wake up dry so this works best for us getting through the night!
 At first, P had a lot of false alarms and was in and out of bed constantly, with the most wet accidents happening at sleep times. Now, we have a great system, Peyton has learned to trust/hold her bladder for longer, and our sleep has returned to normal!
An ABSOLUTE MUST for sleep time training: Goodnites Disposable Bed Mats. These mats have an adhesive back to stick right on the sheets, and they don't crinkle! These things saved us a ton of time and hassle of changing sheets in the middle of the night! Whew!
Poop: This has definitely taken the longest to master, and I would say we are about 99% of the way there. I know pooping in the potty is difficult for kiddos, but I couldn't pinpoint if Peyton was experiencing fear, lack of motivation, or confusion. After trying many methods, I think we've finally figured out what works for her. 
-Poop Candle: I know, it sounds crazy. Peyton loves to blow out candles. She is always pretending to blow out 'candles' around the house (i.e. salt shaker, fleur de lis bookend, makeup brush, etc) so I thought this would work for us. After she poops in the potty, we light the candle, sing "Happy Potty to You, Happy Potty to You. Peyton pooped in the potty. Happy Potty to You" and she blows out the candle.
-Marshmallows: I figured nilla wafers were getting old, so we switched it to something a little more exciting for poop in the potty.
Between these 2 methods, Peyton has been very consistent in making it to the potty! She always says "I'm going poop and then I can blow out the poop candle and get marshmallows!"....Clearly some good motivation.

Public Places: This just took time for us. At first, Peyton was terrified of the big potty, and our first meal out consisted of 6 (unsuccessful) trips to the bathroom and a very wet accident all over the high chair. We tried the chair cushion, the portable potty....everything. After lots of practice and time, Peyton has just become accustomed to the big potty and now we have no issues when we are out and about! What a relief :)

One Month Later: Things are really going well and we very rarely have accidents. Now, we are working on pulling panties on/off by herself. Currently, we still have to go with Peyton every time she needs to go potty, but sometimes I will pull her panties down and have her walk to the potty and go by herself. I'm trying to get her used to that because I can't imagine having a newborn and running to the potty with P every 10 minutes! I highly recommend this method (when done the correct way!) and I am so relieved that we did this prior to Bean arriving. I anticipate some regression with the arrival of a new baby, but it will be temporary and not starting from scratch! I am so proud of my big girl :)

Please feel free to contact me with any questions! This was already a lengthy post, so I did leave out some details. I am happy to help out because I believe in this method 100%.
Happy Training :)

September 05, 2014

Bean: Boy or Girl?

Towards the end of my pregnancy with Peyton, I had a lot of fun reading all of the Old Wives' Tales about guessing baby's gender. I dedicated a blog post to all the methods, and what my results revealed!
For the record...Of the 10 methods I tried, 7 of them pointed to girl, but I was still convinced there was a boy in there!

Let's see what the Old Wives' Tales say this time around....

1. The Highs & Lows- Belly: If you are carrying high-it's a girl; Low-it's a boy! Almost everyone has commented how differently I am carrying this time around. It seems to be a big ball, all in front and low. Looks like Team Blue for this one.

2. Heart Rate- A heart rate of 140 or above= girl; Below 140= boy. This is a tricky one because Bean's heart rate is usually 140...right in the middle. At my last appointment, Ben got a peek at the doppler and it was ranging 137-142. So I'm going Team Blue for this one too.

3. Sweet and Sour- If you are craving sweet stuff, it's a girl. If your cravings are for salty and sour, it's a boy. Although I've had a major sweet tooth lately, I would say overall my cravings have been for salt...and sour (hello, lemon!!) so it's looking like Team Blue again!

4. Chinese Birth Chart- An ancient birth chart that uses mother's age & month of conception. Well, I think technically we would have to say Team Pink for this one!

 5Drano Test- This one is a little strange... Pee in a cup and mix in 1 Tbsp of Drano. Watch for color change. Green=girl; Blue= Boy. I may have cheated a little bit and just poured some Drano in the turned kind of blue, so Team Blue.


6. Even & Odd- This one comes from the Mayans. We look at mother's age at conception, and year of conception. If both are even or odd, it's a girl; If one is even and one is odd, it's a boy. Technically, this one says Team Blue.

 7. The Key- Place a key in front of the Momma-to-be. If she picks it up by the narrow part-girl. If she picks it up by the round part, that's boy. That's Team Blue this time!

8. Skin- If you are breaking out like crazy, the tale says to blame it on a girl-she "steals" her mother's beauty. My skin didn't give me much trouble at all during this pregnancy (especially compared to last time)...guess we will say Team Blue again!

9. Wedding Ring- Tie your wedding ring to a string and hang it over your belly. If it swings back and forth, it's a girl. If it swings in a circle, it's a boy. Team Girl it is.

10. Morning Sickness- If you had/have a lot of nausea during pregnancy, signs point to a girl. Little or no nausea=boy. I am so fortunate for very little nausea during both of my pregnancies... so Team Blue for this one, too!

Wow, that's 8/10 for Team Blue...totally opposite from my first pregnancy. We will find out very soon :) 

So, what do I think this time around? Honestly, I have no idea! Most of my family and friends are confident that it's a boy, so I think they have convinced me of the same. However, I can't imagine our life with a baby boy in it...but that's because we are so immersed in GIRL WORLD!

September 01, 2014

One Pot Tomato Basil Pasta

I am so excited to share one of my favorite new recipes! It's quick, easy, cheap, and fresh....MY kind of recipe!

 One Pot Tomato Basil Pasta 

What You'll Need:

-1 box (13.25 oz) whole wheat linguine
-1 onion, thinly sliced
-4-6 cloves garlic, minced
-2 Cups fresh chopped tomatoes (or 1 pint grape tomatoes)
-handful of basil, chopped
-handful of parsley, chopped
-2 Tbsp olive oil
-2 tsp salt
-1/2 tsp black pepper
-pinch red pepper flakes
-5 Cups water
-Parmesan cheese to top

 I do use some shortcuts, like jarred garlic ;)

What You'll Do:

1) Combine all ingredients (except parm cheese) in a large pot and bring to a boil over high heat, stirring occasionally to submerge pasta as it softens.

2) Once mixture comes to a boil, reduce heat to medium and stir CONTINUOUSLY for ~8 minutes until sauce has thickened and pasta is cooked.

3) Top with Parmesan cheese and serve immediately.


-Tongs work great for the continuous stirring (and it's a great arm workout, too!).

-Although the ingredients sound light, the starch from the pasta makes this dish hearty with a pretty thick sauce. I usually let is sit for ~2 minutes on low/no heat to thicken.

-I haven't become brave enough to start adding other things, but I bet shrimp or andouille sausage would be really good if you need a meat :)

Original Recipe

The best part? Only one pot to clean! Enjoy :)