September 21, 2014

Bean Bumpdate: 39 Weeks

Here we are....still pregnant. I delivered Peyton at 39 weeks/1 day but that has come and gone this time around, and still no sign of Bean.

39 Weeks:

What's New: About 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. Bean is just not quite ready to make his/her grand appearance! I am officially on maternity leave (I just didn't write myself into the schedule for next week because I kind of assumed I would have delivered by now!)
Our plan: I have an appointment on my due date where we will do an ultrasound to make sure Bean is still healthy, then discuss a possible induction date. I am not a huge fan of inductions unless for medical reasons or post-dates, so I am trying everything I can to induce labor naturally :)

What's Old: Hip pain at's making it so difficult to rest! Other than that, I truly feel pretty decent most of the time. I am not miserable yet, so waiting around another week is something I can deal with.

Baby: About 20 inches and 7-8 pounds; The size of a watermelon!!! Measurements have been on track, and I feel like my belly is a bit smaller than with Peyton, so I'm not concerned about a HUGE baby being in there (famous last words, right?). Bean is working on putting on more fat and developing that brain!

Gender: I am starting to feel boy, but I'm not placing any bets on it. Heart rate this week was 160-170s!

Belly: Heavy

Cravings: Pumpkin stuff! Are you with me on that?!

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