September 17, 2014

Birthday Blessings

Birthdays are so different as an adult (and Mom!). They take on a whole new meaning and I find myself wishing for things like an evening with family, someone else to cook dinner, and a good nap! This year, I have been so focused on preparing for Bean and getting through these last weeks of pregnancy, so it was nice to take some time out for myself!

My family and friends were so sweet in making a big fuss about my birthday! On Thursday, we ventured to Alpharetta's Food Truck Alley for a relaxing (and hot...) evening with delicious food and great company!
On Friday, the BFF came over for dessert and a great visit! We stayed up until 1:00am (which is really late for us old folks) and caused some alarm with our neighbors, who noticed the late-night activity and thought I was heading to the hospital! You know you're getting old when.... :)

On Saturday, my amazing husband took over care for P while I spent the morning getting pampered-a fresh haircut and mani/pedi is just what I needed to feel completely ready for Bean!

On Sunday, I took a good snooze while Peyton napped, then my Mom picked me up for a surprise visit to Heavenly Foot Massage. And y' was heavenly. They worked on arms, hands, upper back & shoulders and of course-legs and feet. My therapist knew foot reflexology, so she spent a little more time on the pressure point that can induce labor ; )

We met up with my family at my parents' house where we had a fabulous dinner and homemade blueberry cake!

Gotta love that Ree Drummond!

Annual picture under the Arbor

 Ben and I were married under this arbor, and now it's at my parents' house!

What a wonderful birthday weekend! I spent time with family and friends, enjoyed a good nap, and relaxed while other people cooked dinner!

Getting older isn't so bad!

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