September 30, 2012

It's Football Time in Tennessee!

...but unfortunately, it's also football time in Georgia. And when you are a Tennessee fan living in Georgia, you get a lot of grief.
Although our boys in orange couldn't pull off a W this weekend, they sure did play a good game!
Our little P bug is so excited to cheer on her team every Saturday

Start 'em young, Raise 'em right!

A little family rivalry :)

Fear the Pants!

Our favorite cheerleader

Learning already!

The saddest part about living in Georgia is the fact that Peyton will probably not attend The University of Tennessee unless it's on a full scholarship! I don't think Ben and I will be up to paying out of state tuition :(
So, let's just hope this little girl remains in the 95% for height so she can join The Lady Vols!

September 20, 2012

Let's Get Personal: My Thoughts on Breastfeeding

Warning: Things are about to get personal :)

As a mother/baby nurse, I spend a lot of time helping new moms & babies learn to breastfeed. I know just about every trick to getting a 4-hour-old-sleepy-baby awake and nursing. I thought I knew almost everything there was to know about breastfeeding. Boy, was I wrong. Now that I'm a Mom, here are a few things I've learned the hard way:

Dedication I am always preaching to my patients that breastfeeding takes a lot of dedication at first. "It will get easier" I tell them. HA! 
Of course, it does get easier on some levels-baby learns to latch/feed better, Mom becomes more comfortable, feedings are a little more scheduled, etc. However, breastfeeding is HARD work. But it's also something that I thoroughly enjoy. I don't mind putting in the effort and time because I love doing it! 
I can compare it to running. Running is hard work, and takes a lot of dedication. Personally, I despise running so I don't do it. I don't think less of anyone if they choose to bottle feed their babies because I know how much it takes to exclusively breastfeed, and if you don't enjoy it, it's probably not worth it.

Wardrobe Ugh...I have spent countless hours standing in my closet searching for something that is both flattering to my post-baby body and nursing-friendly. If I find something that is V-neck (making the girls more accessible for feeding), it's often too revealing. And let me warn you about dresses. If you can't pull the top down to feed, be prepared to pull the whole thing UP-and feed in the nude.

Being Fat Speaking of post-baby body...
Everyone talks about how much weight women lose when breastfeeding. "You burn about 500 calories a DAY!" Yeah, but you have to replace those calories so your body can make more milk. DUH!
I have lost all but about 10 pounds of my pregnancy weight. The one week I decided to monitor my calories, my supply noticeably decreased. So, I have resigned to be at a not-so-ideal body weight until I wean. Best advice: Eat to your hunger; Drink to your thirst.

Empty your bladder Seems obvious, but it's very important to pee before you sit down to nurse. Even if you just did it 15 minutes ago. It's inevitable that the moment your baby latches/you have a milk let down, you will get the urge to pee! Then you will find yourself spraying milk all over while running to the bathroom, leaving your hungry baby screaming at the tease of a meal. No, it's never happened to me. Why do you ask?

Convenience There is nothing convenient about breastfeeding. OK, you don't have to wait for a bottle to warm up in the middle of the night...but that's about where it ends. When I am out and about, I have to think about where I can go to nurse. I don't mind mothers breastfeeding in public, but I know it makes some people uncomfortable, so I try to be discreet about it. Let me say, I have nursed in my car a lot...yeah, real convenient. When baby wakes up in the middle of the night, who gets to feed her? I'm going on 4 months of interrupted night sleep. And when I am away from P, I have to carefully plan how many bottles to leave, and find a place to pump! Again...I do all of this because I enjoy it. <See dedication above> 

This post is not meant to discourage expecting/new moms from breastfeeding, but you should know what you're getting in to!
Although it has been (and will continue to be) very hard work, it's also one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. To know that I am making food for my child is an awesome feeling and I wouldn't change it for anything (not even a full night of sleep)!

September 10, 2012

Hi Ho, Hi Ho's back to work I go!

I have had so many friends message/text/call/email me to ask how my return to work has been. I THANK YOU for all the support! It means a lot :)

I can honestly say that we are doing great! The separation from Peyton wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated. Perhaps it's because she's 5 miles away at home with her Daddy. Perhaps it's because I was just ready to be working again. Whatever the reason, I'm glad that I am not spending my days at work miserable and moping around. 

Our biggest challenge is keeping my milk supply up. (This might be a little TMI for some folks...if so, just skip it!) Finding time to pump every 3 hours at work is hard, but I am doing it. I even have a fellow coworker who is a breastfeeding Mom and we seem to really keep each other motivated and on schedule (my "pumping partner"). There is a room on our unit just for employee breastfeeding/pumping!
The hardest part is a supply issue. I have always had an excellent milk supply-Peyton has gained weight at a good rate and is never hungry after a nursing session. However, a breast pump (even the best one) is never going to be as effective at getting milk out as a baby. So, as P is drinking 5-6 ounces at home, I am only pumping 4 ounces. Bummer. My freezer stash is quickly dwindling and I am so anxious!
I have received some great advice from the lactation nurses on my unit and I am putting a new plan into action. 

Overall, the transition back to work has been easy. I am going to work hard to keep my supply up, then I will feel much better about being away from my sweet P.

Mommy's first day of work! 
(Peyton looks thrilled, huh?)

September 05, 2012

Three Months

Well, here we are again. I have to say that, although it's hard to believe 3 months have passed, the last month didn't seem to go by as quickly. Maybe Father Time got my memo?
There have been so many changes in the past month that it's hard to keep up with our little P bug!

3 months old!
 It was quite a process to get pictures this month because Peyton is SO active. Every single photo I took has a blurred hand or foot :) I should have known based on the amount of activity I felt when I was pregnant!

Eating: Every 3 hours to keep on a schedule, but I think she could go 3 1/2-4 hours. At night, 6 hours or more

Sleeping: Beginning to have more 8 hour nights, which is great! Peyton usually takes a long morning nap then 30 minute naps for the rest of the day. She isn't old enough to organize her daytime sleep (so the experts say!). Although we aren't following a 'schedule', we do have structured naps (just not occurring at the same time every day!)

Favorite Toy: Hands! Peyton has definitely discovered her hands, although she doesn't always realize she can bring them up to her mouth. I often find her hunched over, trying to bring her mouth to her hands! P has also started reaching out for toys...or just about anything you put in front of her.

Happy Times: When Mommy sings, taking a bath, airplane with Daddy, watching Baby Einstein, and sitting up.

Unhappy Times: When she is overtired, frustrated because she can't sit up by herself/get to her hands, when she has a cold (currently), long trips in the car.

Stats: 13 pounds (50%) and 25 inches (90%). (These are home measurements, and an online calculator, so they may not be completely accurate!)
I have definitely noticed her getting longer, but slimmer. She has outgrown 3 month clothes and wears mostly 6 months-it is usually a little baggy but I can barely snap it in the crotch!

Birth-3 months
It doesn't look like she has changed that much physically over the last month; however, she has certainly changed developmentally. She is a lot more social and I love watching her interact with her environment.

Sweet P,
What a joy it is to be your parents! This past month has been most interesting (and sometimes challenging) as you start to develop quite the personality. You are so much fun to be around and we are excited to see what happens next. You make life sweet. Keep smiling baby girl.


September 04, 2012

Whirlwind Weekend

We had a very busy Labor Day weekend! I can't believe how much we packed into one weekend, but it was a wonderful distraction from the looming fact that I have to return to work this week.

We went to the Chick-fil-A kickoff game

Peyton cheered for the VOLS from home {with Grandma}

VOL family

It was nice to see our boys WIN!
Hamma & Poppa came in to town from Michigan. They brought little Annabelle with them, too! It was such a short trip but a good visit anyway.

Rowen is being sweet, sharing her mat
 Annabelle thinks she has to get in the toy box

Poppa with the grandbabies

Kenny is so sweet with Peyton

We had a little fun with Kenny (and tortured his Daddy who is a UGA fan!)

We got a good belly laugh from P

And Peyton had (has) her first cold :(

What a great last weekend of maternity leave! This week, it's off to work I go.

September 01, 2012

The Mommy 'Do

Remember that time I got my hair cut when I was pregnant? Well, obviously that wasn't dramatic enough for me. After a few months of taking prenatal vitamins, my hair had grown back to its original length and style...which was long and bulky. I was ready for a completely new style-highlights and all! Ben was really the driving force behind it because he prefers my hair short

Before picture

 My inspiration
{My stylist did a variation based on my texture}

 Getting foils (something I haven't done in a very long time!)
 About halfway done here...again, they had to sweep several times

The Finished Product! 

It's the ultimate Mommy 'do. So far, I like it but it's a lot to get used to because it's super short. 
{Anyone with coarse/thick hair have any recommendations on product? Nothing seems to hold my hair for longer than an hour}