May 23, 2013

Mother's Day

It was so special to celebrate my first Mother's Day this year! I was just getting over an awful sinus infection/bad reaction to antibiotics, so it was nice to be in the land of the living again. 

Ben got up extra early and prepared a wonderful breakfast and I got to enjoy my first-ever Mother's Day breakfast in bed!

Bacon, eggs, toast, fresh fruit, OJ and a peppermint mocha-YUM!
I enjoyed a relaxing morning, then we got ready to have 12:45 brunch with my parents!
The weather was sunny (finally!) and breezy and we enjoyed an outdoor brunch at Olde Blind Dog in Milton.

All the girls (It was super windy!)

The kiddo who made me a Mom!

We enjoyed a small gift and card exchange. My Mom created the cutest 'artwork' with my sweet P as her helper, and gave it to me as a gift!

 Look at those cute piggies! Something I will always cherish :)

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