May 22, 2013

My Soapbox {Blogging Challenge Day 22}

Listen's time for me to get on my soapbox today in our challenge!

 Day 22: Rant about something. Get on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel.

I think everyone has frustrations about work. Let's face it, no job is perfect. 
I work as a mother/baby nurse, so I have the awesome opportunity to watch families form. I get to see women become mothers; men become fathers; kiddos becoming big brother and sisters. How cool is that?

I will say that, for the most part, folks have it figured out when a baby comes along. But there are two categories of people that I just want to slap. Sorry for the honesty, but it's my assignment today :)

Category A) The Clueless. 
These are the people that haven't chosen a pediatrician, haven't read an article (much less an entire book) on parenting, and bring their carseat up to the room still in the box. Are you for real? I bet they could name every fruit the babe was compared to throughout pregnancy, yet act shocked that babies need to eat every 3 hours. 
Let me just say...I realize that it's fun to read all about your pregnancy (I did it!) but it's one period in your life that will soon be over. Whatever is happening is happening, and you really can't change it. Please take this time to read about caring for your baby...learning anything you can! You won't have time once babe is here!

Category B) The overplanners.
Alright, as important as it is to learn about babies before they come, it's possible to overplan. Yep, it is. As a parent, you have got to learn to be flexible. I understand that you want to exclusively breastfeed, but when your newborn has lost 10% of his body weight in 2 days, we might need to supplement for his own health. I can't stand the Moms who come in with this rigid set of rules and expectations. Bottom line...nothing will ever go according to plan again. Get over it.

 Let's just call this a public service announcement from me to you :)
 Thanks for hanging out on my soapbox with me!


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