May 21, 2013

Writings Past {Blogging Challenge Day 21}

What a fun trip down memory lane today in our Blog Every Day in May challenge

Day 21: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives.

Since I am relatively new to the blogging world (less than 3 years), I am still constantly revamping my posts and writing style. Since I don't have any posts that scream FAVORITE simply due to post content, I will share a few from favorite times in my life!

-When I first starting maintaining my blog and writing consistently, I wrote a series called "Meet the Furmans" where readers got to know my little family. When I look back at these posts, I am reminded of a more simple time in life (read: before home ownership and parenthood)! You can check them out here, here, here and over here :)

-I love to travel, and one of my favorite trips was to Savannah, GA. It's not an exotic island, and it's only 5 hours away, but it's a culturally rich city and there is so much to do! I put a lot of research into our trips, so I always refer friends to my posts if they are looking for the place to eat/thing to do in Savannah. We really enjoyed celebrating our one year anniversary there. Follow our trip starting with Day One

-I love this post about our new home! What a huge milestone in my adult life! Although we haven't made huge changes in our home, it's nice to see where we started and how much we actually have done.

-Our pregnancy announcement. Duh

-A little throwback for husband and me. We were so cute :)

-I love re-reading the story of Peyton's birth. This is what a blog is all about, right? To journal your life and remember every detail of the milestones. I remember the incredible mix of emotions I was feeling that day. Wow, what a day!

I really feel like I could go on and on, possible including every monthly update from our little P! I think we have plenty of reading material. Enjoy!


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