December 30, 2011

16 Weeks!

Well, I can definitely say that produce shopping has become a lot more interesting. Every time I'm at the grocery store, I find myself wandering around picking up different fruits to see how big Junebug is this week!

16 Weeks stats:

Size: Avocado

New Developments: Junebug can hear us, and can even be startled by loud noises (like Rowen barking).

Symptoms: Back pain...although this has been an ongoing problem for a couple of months. I'm starting to think I pulled a muscle, and it just hasn't eased up. The pregnancy hormones are actually making this worse :) 

What I'm looking forward to: Alright, Junebug...this is the week! Most first-time preggers report that first  flutter in week 16. I'm not worried that I haven't felt anything yet, but it would be so reassuring. There have been times when I may have felt something, but not enough to say for sure. I am learning patience...and considering I am carrying the offspring of my husband, I think I'm going to need it! :)

                            Thank you Ben for the Boppy body pillow...back pain be gone!

December 27, 2011

Christmas is Here!

I have a confession to make: I have not been feeling the Christmas spirit this year. I think the biggest bah-humbug was the looming fact that I had to work on Christmas Day. I am such a traditional holiday person, and I just couldn't excited about the big day knowing that I wouldn't be able to spend time with my family. I was off on Christmas Eve, but Ben had to work all in the time of year when we should be enjoying family and friends, we were at work. Seriously, bah-humbug. I managed to capture the happy times though : )
                         Decorating cookies on Christmas Eve with Christa- a 15 year tradition!

Wrapping gifts with animals around is nearly impossible!

Our tree on Christmas morning (at 4am before work!)

Feeling truly blessed

Love my sisters : )

And now, for the 15 week update:

15 week stats:

Size: Naval orange

New Developments: Moving joints and limbs-squirming away (apparently)

Symptoms: Heartburn!!!

What I'm looking forward to: A <slightly> bigger baby bump...still getting that "I wonder?" look. And with all this squirming, I'm ready to feel something (besides heartburn & gas..haha!)

                                            (Please excuse the scrubs)
                                             Me and my naval orange : )

December 16, 2011

Week 14

Bring on the maternity clothes! I am starting to get 'that look' when I'm out and about now-is she pregnant or just chubby around the middle? Nobody is brave enough to ask-yet!

14 week stats:

Size: Lemon (although my uterus is easily double that size, thus the baby bump)

New Developments: Sucking on his/her thumb (getting in some good practice) and growing hair!

Symptoms: The headaches have taken over. I think a lot of it is related to blood sugar levels. I am hungry all the time. I am focusing on eating healthy snacks and small portions, but I wake up every morning with a rumbling belly and an aching head. I might start pairing my snack breaks with potty breaks in the middle of the night!

What I'm looking forward to: Still, I want to feel this baby moving around. By the third trimester, babies can move up to 30 times in one hour, so I know I will have my share eventually. In the meantime, a flutter would be quite reassuring!
I am also looking forward to decorating the nursery! I gave up on my search for gender-neutral bedding and decided to create my own. I have zero sewing skills, but Ben's Grandmother Starr has graciously offered to help us out. I can't wait to see the finished product!


December 07, 2011

Week 13

The bump has appeared and I am gaining some of my energy back. My biggest challenge lately is working 2 days in a row (basically 26 hours packed in!) and trying to be productive on my next day off. Usually my day off involves a lot of napping and relaxing, and Ben has been amazing through it all! On his day off, he spent it cleaning the house so that I could relax and not worry about a thing. Wow!

13 Week Stats:

Size: Peach
New Developments: S/he is forming vocal cords and teeth! Junebug also has fingerprints
Symptoms: Slightly more energy, unless I am working a lot. I am beginning to enjoy some of my favorite foods again without being completely disgusted. The headaches have started, though.
What I'm looking forward to: Feeling Junebug move! I worry every day about his/her health (are you ok in there?) and I think my mind would be at ease if I could feel a little nudge every now and then. I will probably have to wait another 3+ weeks for that.

December 03, 2011


One of the first home projects we knew we had to tackle was the landscaping, especially in the front yard. Our home was a foreclosure and had not been empty long, but it seems they just ignored the flower beds.
We knew some major cleaning, reshaping and re-mulching was in order. We decided not to plant any flowers at this point because of the upcoming winter weather (...and budget)

After several attempts at estimating our bags of mulch needed, we finally got it right-it took about 50 bags to cover our front beds.

Ben worked for days straight!

Springtime plans: remove the bushes that are in front of the windows and add some color!

November 29, 2011

12 Weeks

We went for our 12 week ultrasound yesterday and it was so exciting to get to see Junebug again! Before we got started, she said "There is a 1/100 chance I might be able to determine the gender today-do you want to know?" Tempting, but we stuck to our plan and said, "NO!" A lot has changed in the 4 weeks since we last saw him/her.

12 week stats:

Size: Large plum
New developments: Reflexes are developing, so if you poke, baby might move!
Symptoms: I am starting to get some of my energy back (ok, minus the nap I took yesterday...) and have experienced hardly any nausea this week. Here we come 2nd trimester! 

During the ultrasound, the sonographer was busy taking measurements, but Ben and I were alarmed by Junebug's sudden convulsing-literally, his body was jumping. At first, I thought it could be that new development of the reflexes but the sonographer said "Ah, looks like someone has the hiccups!" Oh, it made my heart melt to see our little bug jumping around-quite the personality already!

November 25, 2011


Ben and I are thrilled to announce that we will become a family of 3 in June! I cannot describe the amount of love and support we have received from family and friends. The questions have been pouring in, so I thought I would take advantage of our blog to answer them all at once!

When are you due/How many weeks are you? - Our official due date is June 11, and I am currently 11 weeks and 4 days along.

How long have you known?!- When we began announcing to family, we had known for 7 weeks (so I was 11 weeks along)! Yes, it was very difficult to keep our secret from everyone, but it was so special to reveal our news in a unique way to each set of parents, our friends, and our coworkers. I loved the individual reactions we got (although many were already suspicious, so they weren't all that 'surprised')

How are you feeling?- I am feeling pretty good. I have had occasional nausea, but mostly it's related to a food aversion. I have found that once I eat a certain meal, I really can't even think about eating it again, so Ben and I have become very creative with our menu! Fatigue has been my worst enemy throughout first trimester...I become exhausted doing small tasks and have to rest frequently. It's especially difficult at work-those 13 hour days can wear anyone out!

Are you going to find out the gender?- NOPE! This response has surprised a lot of people because I am so 'Type A'. I know...the nursery, clothes, baby equipment, etc. will all be gender-neutral. To me, that's perfect-I want to be able to reuse some of this (expensive) stuff for the next Baby F. And...we just think it's a fun surprise! We came up with the name 'Junebug' to refer to the baby until the big day!

And because I already think s/he is so precious, I have to share this picture: (8 weeks)

The white dot next to the head is the yolk sac, NOT another baby!

November 14, 2011

My Best Friend's Wedding

The day finally arrived!
As usual, I was a terrible photographer. I think I was more focused on making sure things went # 1 duty as a Matron of Honor.
After rehearsal on Friday (11/4), we enjoyed dinner at Ray's Killer Creek. The food was fabulous and we enjoyed the company even more.
I'm not sure we slept much that night (there was a nervous energy!) but we were up bright and early to start hair & makeup.

Christa writing her letter to her future hubby!

Time for hair (and coffee!)

Morning ladies :)


Our GORGEOUS bride!


Cutest dance

Photobooth Fun!

It was a gorgeous wedding and I am so happy for my best friend! I am still on the search for a picture of the two of was a busy day :)

November 13, 2011

A 5th Grade Dream

Christa and I recently had the opportunity to live out a dream we have had since the 5th grade!
OK, it sounds crazy...but we all remember the band Hanson, right? Yes, the ones with that hit single MmmBop. Well, Christa and I were completely obsessed with these boys when we were 10. We knew every word to every song and aspired to someday marry our favorite Hanson brother. We kept up with them throughout the years, but just never had the chance to go to a concert.

Well... for Christa's birthday in July, I called David (Christa's fiancee) to let him know that our beloved boys were coming to Atlanta. David offered to buy the tickets if I would accompany his wife-to-be. We had to wait a WHOLE 3 months, but the timing couldn't have been better. Just about a week before her wedding, it was the perfect night for us to unwind and get some perspective, and have the chance to live out our childhood dream, reminding us of our early beginnings and why we are still BFF :)

We were shocked to see the line for general admission stretching around the building!

We couldn't believe they were right there!

My favorite brother

We were feeling quite nostalgic

We couldn't believe the crowd (from the 3rd row!)

...and the moment we have been waiting for:

Fun Fact: These brothers have produced 13 albums and sold over 15 million records worldwide. They are all married with children.

November 12, 2011

Mac & Paisley time!

A few days after our move, I just couldn't stand it anymore-I had to go visit those babies! Mac & Paisley were almost 6 weeks old and the sweetest babies ever!
I took night duty on Monday night (Jordan didn't argue at all!) and really enjoyed helping Ashley through the night and the next day!

Nap time! (they are both asleep!)

                           Right before I left...Mac didn't want me to leave. Neither did Ashley ; )

The following weekend, Ben and I scored some season tickets to the TN v. Buffalo game so back to Tennessee we went. We stayed in Chattanooga on Saturday night after the game, so I got to see Mac & Paisley again!

                                                         Love this view of the stadium

No game would be complete without Petro's!

Great seats!

Probably our favorite place in the world :)

Ben & Paisley

Me & Paisley

October 15, 2011

Home Tour

I have had lots of family & friends asking to see pictures of the new house! These are the pictures I took during our inspection, and now that we actually own the place, I feel ok sharing them now!
Down the road, I would love to take a picture of each room as we work on it as a before & after. For now, here is the general idea! (You asked for it-every detail!)

Front of our home!

Front Porch

Sitting room

View from sitting room into the dining room (front door is on the left)

Dining Room

View from the front door

View of the front door (love that space on the left-perfect for a canvas!)

The office-only room in the house that was painted...unfortunately

Powder Room

Living Room


Laundry Room

View from the kitchen (2 doors are office & powder room)

Cut through from kitchen to dining room. Basement door on left

Down to the basement!

Future bathroom and bedroom

Future man cave

Future kitchenette and outdoor storage space

Future craft room/office

Future Nursery (upstairs)-I know, the name is misleading. It will stay empty until we need it! : )

Our bedroom

Our bathroom

Ben's closet

My Closet


My vanity

Ben's vanity

Potty room

Bathtub! (please notice the window above...curtains ASAP!)

We have a 2 story family room-I love this!

Maya & Laurel's room

Guest bathroom

Guest shower/tub

Guest bath again

Guest bedroom

Back deck
There you have it! I can't wait to begin posting picture of our before and after, as well as 'future plans'. I have to remember that we have a long time to get our house just the way we want it...we are taking our time!