May 31, 2013

That One Time... {Blogging Challenge Day 31}

Woohoooooo!!! I have made it! Ok, I know I didn't technically blog every single day in May. I did play catch up (which really just means I did double or triple duty in one day!) and I posted about every topic. So I am proud. 

While I will probably miss the writing prompts, I am glad this is over :)

Day 31: A vivid memory

I have shared quite a few memories during my blogging years, and even some during this challenge. I've discussed my childhood, my wedding day, and Peyton's birth story. One thing I have never touched on was my acceptance to nursing school.

I transferred to Kennesaw State University for the sole purpose of going to nursing school. I knew they had a good program, but I had NO idea how good-or how competitive it was. After spending a semester taking some requirements for Georgia schools (different from TN schools...), I applied to the program. That was a no go.
I applied again next semester, interviewed...another no go.

At this point I was becoming stressed out big time. I researched other majors, but nothing felt right to me.

My third time applying was the same as always, and I ended up on the wait list again

Then one day, I returned home from picking up my sisters from school. The phone was ringing as we walked through the door and I ran to grab it, barely making it before the machine picked up. It was my adviser, Fran. She confirmed it was me, then told me she had some news. 
"Do you still want to be a nurse?"
I could barely squeak out "of course" before hanging up and dancing around my house-my sisters staring at me like I was crazy.
I had a staff meeting at the country club that night. I waltzed in and turned in my 2 week notice...because I was moving on to better things. :)

And a vivid memory that I will never forget. It was the beginning of some amazing things for me.

Well, friends...Happy LAST day of May! 


May 30, 2013

Letting Go {Blogging Challenge Day 30}

On the home stretch, folks. I have almost completed the challenge!

Day 30: React to this term: Letting Go

I need to...let go.
I beat myself up about not being perfect. Which is silly. Nobody is perfect, and I don't really strive to be perfect, honestly. But every time I fail at something-anything-I am pretty bummed out. I stress myself out over trying to do it all; when I inevitably do not do it all, I feel like I have failed.

So, I need to let go. 
Let go of the fact that I might not have a clean house all the time. 
Let go of the fact that dinner might not be homemade every night-a frozen lasagna is ok.
Let go and allow myself some 'me' time-it's not selfish to sit down and read during nap time (instead of cleaning the house).

Just....let it go!


Music to my Ears {Blogging Challenge Day 29}

Yesterday, we enjoyed a treat for the eyes...and today, it's a treat for the ears! Let's get this challenge on!

Day 29: Five songs that speak to you or bring back memories.

So many of my memories are tied to a song, so come with me on another trip down memory lane :)

1999- Prince
There is a home video of my Dad and me 'dancing' to this song when I was about 9 months old. Every time I hear this song, I think of my fun-loving Daddio! 
1999 by Prince on Grooveshark

Ohhhh, the memories! My best friend and I were OBSESSED with this brother band in 5th grade. We even lived out a childhood dream and attended their concert last year!
MMMBop by Hanson on Grooveshark

Fishin' in the Dark-Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Well, this brings me back to high school. Milton High School, ya'll. Where we ate our lunch in the back of a pickup truck and danced to this song!
Fishin' In The Dark by The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band on Grooveshark

Everything- Michael Buble
Oh Mr. Buble, how you have a way with song. Mine and Ben's wedding song. What awesome memories I have of our big day!
Everything by Michael Bublé on Grooveshark

Call Me Maybe- Carly Rae Jepsen
This is Peyton's favorite song. No kidding. As a newborn, she wasn't a fan of the carseat but every time we played this song, she would immediately stop crying! You have to admit-it's a catchy tune. And way better than 'Wheels on the Bus'.
Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen on Grooveshark

What songs spark a memory for you? Enjoy the music!

{All songs embedded using Grooveshark}

A Picture Says a Thousand Words {Blogging Challenge Day 28}

A little treat for the eyes on today's topic for the challenge!

 Day 28: Only pictures
Ok I'm cheating a little...I need some explanation to go along. I have SO many pictures, so I'm choosing (at random) ONE from each album on my computer! Enjoy...
The hubs and me-Senior Prom (from Andi&Ben album)

21st birthday (from Andrea album)

38 weeks pregnant (from Belly Book album)

(from my BLOG album)
Rowen and her litter mates (from my cell phone album)

Me and my Daddy (from the Family album)

The 'Ciwcle' (from Friends album)

Christmas 2012 (from Holidays album)

Our townhouse (from House album)

My sweet sisters (from the Maya & Laurel album)

Engagement photos (from MyLife Engagement album)

Wedding Day! (from MyLife Wedding album)

My precious Junebug (from the Peyton Caroline album)

One of my favorite places (from the UT album)

Cruisin' (from the Vacations album)

Well, wasn't that fun?! Makes me want to get skinny, take a vacation, get married and have another baby all at the same time!


Dear Friends :Blogging Challenge Day 27}

We're almost there...Day 17 in our Blog Every Day in May challenge!

Day 27: A letter to your readers

To my Faithful Few,
Thanks for sticking around!
I started this blog less than three years ago as a way to keep up with friends and family who live far away. Each time I posted, I became more and more excited about the next post; suddenly, I had so much to say! It's nice to know that people <that's you> follow and actually want to read what I have to say.

As I continue to grow my blog, I am so excited to bring in new topics-advice for parenting, journey in weight loss, my work, P bug, home projects, travel, etc. I always want to know what you want to read!

So let me just say a big THANK YOU for hanging out...please stick around because the best is yet to come!



May 26, 2013

Reading Material {Blogging Challenge Day 26}

Today's topic is up for interpretation on our challenge!

 Day 26: Something you read online. Leave a link and discuss, if you'd like.

Ummmm, what do I read online?
 I don't routinely read news articles-I honestly don't have time so I leave it to TV and radio.
Well, I read blogs. But you probably already know that.
I read my email. But who doesn't? 
I read forums for topics including parenting, cloth diapers, and home repairs. But not consistently.

Alright, this is probably the most unintellectual statement I will ever make, but...

Yep, you got it. I "read" a lot of Facebook. It might seem dumb at first, but I enjoy reading status updates because it lets me know what's going on with my friends. And actually, it lets me know what's going on in the world. When I'm at work, I am completely tuned out to the outside world. A quick glance at my FB feed, and I knew something had happened in Connecticut at an elementary school; something had happened in Boston; something had happened in Oklahoma. 

Now, don't think I'm completely dense...I don't completely rely on FB for accurate news. But it allows me to tune in to the world and my friends; if necessary, I go on to do my own research.

 Happy reading, friends!


May 25, 2013

Something Sweet {Blogging Challenge Day 25}

First of all, I can't believe it's already the end of May! Where did this month go? We are almost to the end of our challenge...hang with me!

Day 25: Something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget.

So, I've written a lot about what it's like to be a nurse. I've been brutally honest at times. I do love my job, but nursing is one of those careers that requires a lot of blood, sweat and tears...for very little thanks. I know people say they appreciate nurses, and trust me, we love the donuts, pizza and cookies (even if our waistlines don't!-hey, that's what scrubs are for)...but very few people remember to thank their nurses. Especially in my unit, where everyone is so focused on their newborn baby that they forget to express their appreciation.

One day, I had a patient who I was spending a LOT of time with. She was determined to exclusively breastfeed and I was really trying to help her achieve this goal, even though it was discharge day and this little nugget still had not latched. She was a stubborn babe, and the Mother was incredibly overwhelmed.
Because I had a light patient load that day, I was able to sit down with her and give her some support during her emotional breakdown. It felt good to have the time to offer something other than Motrin :)

Later, she said to me: "Thanks for your help today. You're an excellent nurse and I wouldn't have made it through this without you."

I needed that. It reminded me of the reason that I became a nurse. I won't forget those words.

May 24, 2013

Flawed {Blogging Challenge Day 24}

Everyone has flaws...time to learn more about mine on today's Blog Every Day in May challenge.

Day 24: Your top 3 worst traits.

It's really hard to identify my own flaws. Believe me, I know I have them-it's just difficult to sit down and think "What are my worst traits?"

I thought an outsider perspective would work...

Me: "Hey Ben, what do you think my top 3 worst traits are?"
Ben: "I'm not touching that one. You're perfect in every way."

Guess I'm on my own. Here goes nothin'

I am impatient. This has never been more evident than when I got married became a mother. I feel like I have so much to do, and am being pulled in a hundred different directions-I need to get things done and move on! I feel this way at work a lot too-my favorite thing ever is when <as a courtesy> I peek in on a patient to let her know I'm going home, and she asks for help breastfeeding. Really?! Sure...I'll stay an extra 20 minutes to help you-I haven't been away from my family for 13 hours already. Ugh...clearly, I need to work on this!

 I don't communicate well. Ben swears that the most important thing in a marriage is communication. I agree. I'm just not good at it. Particularly if I need help with something. Instead of asking for help, I just deal with things on my own...secretly wondering WHY isn't anyone helping me?! Hmph.

I lack sympathy. Whaaat? Aren't you a nurse? Aren't you supposed to be, always? I am usually sympathetic (or really, empathetic) with my patients, so maybe I use it all up at work. I think some people just irritate me with their sob stories about how their life is unfair, etc. Get over it.

 Wow, there is some brutal honesty for you today.

May 23, 2013

What I Know {Blogging Challenge Day 23}

Back for another day of Blog Every Day in May challenge.

Day 23: Things you've learned that school won't teach you.

1. Stack the odds in your favor. I actually gathered this piece of advice from a relative shortly before venturing off to college. Life is certainly unpredictable, but set yourself up for success. It's not guaranteed you will always be successful, but the odds are greater!

2. Be patient. I have learned so much from marriage, motherhood, and life in general about patience. I am still working on it!

3. Learn how to pay bills. I think it's insane that they don't teach these things in school. (Maybe they do, now..?) You have got to learn how to manage a household: Know how to balance a checkbook, pay bills, deal with insurance claims, etc. 

4. Not everyone will like you. This was actually a very hard lesson to learn. I feel like I am a kind person...I can get along with almost anyone! But there are people out there who just won't like you, for no obvious reason. And guess what? That's okay.

5. Remain open-minded. You will meet a variety of people in your life; you will find yourself in a variety of situations. Keep an open mind and you might actually make a new friend or learn something. Imagine that.

Mother's Day

It was so special to celebrate my first Mother's Day this year! I was just getting over an awful sinus infection/bad reaction to antibiotics, so it was nice to be in the land of the living again. 

Ben got up extra early and prepared a wonderful breakfast and I got to enjoy my first-ever Mother's Day breakfast in bed!

Bacon, eggs, toast, fresh fruit, OJ and a peppermint mocha-YUM!
I enjoyed a relaxing morning, then we got ready to have 12:45 brunch with my parents!
The weather was sunny (finally!) and breezy and we enjoyed an outdoor brunch at Olde Blind Dog in Milton.

All the girls (It was super windy!)

The kiddo who made me a Mom!

We enjoyed a small gift and card exchange. My Mom created the cutest 'artwork' with my sweet P as her helper, and gave it to me as a gift!

 Look at those cute piggies! Something I will always cherish :)

May 22, 2013

My Soapbox {Blogging Challenge Day 22}

Listen's time for me to get on my soapbox today in our challenge!

 Day 22: Rant about something. Get on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel.

I think everyone has frustrations about work. Let's face it, no job is perfect. 
I work as a mother/baby nurse, so I have the awesome opportunity to watch families form. I get to see women become mothers; men become fathers; kiddos becoming big brother and sisters. How cool is that?

I will say that, for the most part, folks have it figured out when a baby comes along. But there are two categories of people that I just want to slap. Sorry for the honesty, but it's my assignment today :)

Category A) The Clueless. 
These are the people that haven't chosen a pediatrician, haven't read an article (much less an entire book) on parenting, and bring their carseat up to the room still in the box. Are you for real? I bet they could name every fruit the babe was compared to throughout pregnancy, yet act shocked that babies need to eat every 3 hours. 
Let me just say...I realize that it's fun to read all about your pregnancy (I did it!) but it's one period in your life that will soon be over. Whatever is happening is happening, and you really can't change it. Please take this time to read about caring for your baby...learning anything you can! You won't have time once babe is here!

Category B) The overplanners.
Alright, as important as it is to learn about babies before they come, it's possible to overplan. Yep, it is. As a parent, you have got to learn to be flexible. I understand that you want to exclusively breastfeed, but when your newborn has lost 10% of his body weight in 2 days, we might need to supplement for his own health. I can't stand the Moms who come in with this rigid set of rules and expectations. Bottom line...nothing will ever go according to plan again. Get over it.

 Let's just call this a public service announcement from me to you :)
 Thanks for hanging out on my soapbox with me!