March 11, 2015

# BugBean # Family

Snow Days

Y'all...I cant lie- I hate the snow. I have never enjoyed being in the cold...add wet and dirty stuff and I'm just done.

But...when your big girl is running around the house screaming "IT'S SNOWING!!!!" at the top of her lungs, you put on your Mommy pants and take her outside. :)

Catchin' Snow

I'm not sure if it's instinct but Peyton immediately plopped down on the ground to make a snow angel. She loved every minute of it!

Our neighbors broke out the sled, and the little ones had a blast being pulled on it!

Baby sister came out for a few minutes to enjoy the snow, too.

And really... what snow day would be complete without hot chocolate (and a tiara...?)?!

I admit it was fun for a few minutes. I've had my fill for this season, so let the warmer temps begin now!


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