November 22, 2010


Once again, it has been far too long since I have posted. I have good reason though.

1) I have been working a lot lately. So basically, I haven't had time to write. I go to work, come home and sleep, then go back to work. This is what 12+ hour shifts do for you.

2) I have been working a lot lately. Wait...wasn't that reason #1? Yes, it was. But the rationale is different. My life has been pretty boooring lately. Work. Sleep. Repeat. So, I haven't done anything interesting or worth writing about. I haven't even seen the new HP movie, which is such a crime for me!

Meanwhile, I am still desperately trying to adjust to night shift. There are some people that go on nights, and stay there for 20+ years. They just belong there. Then there are others (like me) who put in their time and just 'deal'. I don't think I will ever truly adjust. I will just deal. I am tired all the time-even on my days off. The only thing I can really compare it to is severe jet lag. When I have traveled to different time zones (I mean really different- think Europe), it takes a few days to get back on track with real life. For me, that is what working night shift is like. As soon as I get back on track, it's time to go back to work. 
Complain, complain, least I have a job, right? Yes, I know. And I'm not saying I don't enjoy my job. The work itself is so rewarding. But the shifts are looong and exhausting. I often think about what it would be like to work a M-F job. You think I'm crazy? I know, I would probably miss my days off. But I would really enjoy being home every evening to spend time with my hubby, consistently having every weekend off, and never work a holiday. That sounds fabulous!
One thing I do love about being off sometimes during the day is catching my fave-Ellen. I think she may have helped me with my severe sleep problem- a new product that allows me to take naps whenever I want! Finally, all my problems are solved. Thanks Ellen : )

1 comment:

  1. Haha, the video cracked me up! That is one of the suckiest parts of a M-F 9-5 job, you can't watch Ellen. I miss you when you don't blog, but I totally understand! And just FYI...HP was really good! :)
